Time is passing so fast
Today is saturday
25 th Mar is my last day in TRE Company
it's very good company nice colleagues
I am so grateful to meet all of them
I think I miss all of them
It's my first career
it's not complicated relationship with ecah colleagues
I speak directly and carless of some tasks
I know I need to learn how to be a good employee
Many things learn from them
whats apps need to charge
do you willing to pay?
I am ok but I love line more
Line 's stickers are so cute
all of you agree with me?
if you want to chat with me ,why don't you just download one more apps in your smartphone ?
am i just a friend not a best friend?
I am so dissapointed
many game apps in your smartphone ,only a line ai.....
according to my friends use what app or not
if they are common fds or a few best fds (best fds must chat with me) ,i do not use what app la
I do not work in this half year
the main reason is I want to improve my english as well
I don;t want to talk more
action is most important haha
Start day :Tomorrow
learn sentences structure
ITELS listening vocab
if I complete both ,I will eat a good meal haha